Monday, July 14, 2008

A Spider Locator

You know when there a silver-dollar sized spider in your house, and it lives in a corner on the ceiling for a long time, and you're afraid to try and get it out of your bedroom because you don't want to have to get near it, so you just let it live, and then one morning it's gone, and probably in your bed?

It would be nice if there was a gadget for this. Like a metal detector.
Except instead of detecting metal, it detects scariness.


The spider just found me. Now, I wouldn't just decide to randomly kill it, but it invaded my personal radius by hiding under a piece of paper right next to my bed. I had suspected it bit me last night, as I woke up with a bite on my face, and now I'm pretty positive it did. So, I dropped a Harry Potter on it. Sorry spider, but you fucking bit me.

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