Monday, August 17, 2009

P2P information.

This is a highly under-developed idea, but listen, there's a seed. P2P technology is still going strong, but it's unnecessarily held to the fire for being more commonplace for appz and crackz and warez and serialz and all that illegal handy-cam shit. But it could just as easily be used for sharing information, right? Twitter and Facebook went down because it's focused on a single server (okay, not a single server, exactly, but in a stationary place). Imagine if Twitter and Facebook were Napster, or Limewire, or I forget what all there used to be. That means they don't operate on a single server, they operate on multiple servers in thousands of locations across the world. I'm just now realizing while writing this that information isn't shared when one person isn't 'online,' but hey, advance technology or something. When's not being able to do it ever held us back. Listen. This is the future. Listen to what I am saying to you.

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