Sunday, May 31, 2009

Save newspapers.

Newspapers behave like the internet is destroying them, when all the internet is doing is providing another model, which the newspaper seems uneager to reproduce. Newspapers should behave like the internet -- become aggregates for whatever's out there. What's cool and interesting and new. Funny pictures, et al. They can't exactly post youtube videos, but they can talk about them, and they can interview the people behind them and they can lead to the newspaper website, at least. Maybe this is retarded.


Dave said...

I like this. It sounds like it would be for people who like to keep up to date with news, trends, cool internet things but don't read blogs as often or have any kind of RSS feed aggregator set up.

Side note, I got the latest issue of Wired the other day and I'm reading it and just thinking to myself "This is like reading a blog." But not in a bad way, I thought it was cool.

not eb said...

No kidding, dude. I noticed Wired popping up a lot in my reading list, I browsed through an actual copy a few weeks ago, and then I had a friend bring one to work yesterday, making me think I should get a subscription. It's figured out how to capitalize on, I wouldn't say the internet, but what the internet wants.