Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pandora ideas.

Well, me and Josh aren't doing anything with them. Co-credit to Josh on all of them.

1) Similar to the ability to tag songs in iTunes according to lyrical content (sad, leaving, other, more complex emotions) idea from a ways back, this would let you type in 'sad' in Pandora and it would be more themed music.

2) When you go into Target, you can text Target a '+' or '-' to tell them that the song they're playing is good or bad. Enough minuses and it goes to the next song. Enough pluses and they'll play more songs like that.


Claire Grinton said...

little known fact. Target specifically doesn't play music so you don't realize how long you've been in the store. very Vegas.

not eb said...

My life is a farce.