Thursday, April 2, 2009

Movie trailers as prequels.

Alfred Hitchcock filmed a woman who was not Janet Leigh being stabbed in the shower for the trailer to 'Psycho.' Which brings me to my next idea: movie trailers that serve as prequels for the film. If it's the next Friday the 13th, for instance, the trailer is a woman being stalked and murdered who is *not* in the movie, but could say/lay down seeds for things that *do* happen in the movie. Or if it's a drama, it's just a small interaction between the main characters that sets them up without giving anything away.


Claire Grinton said...

i love this. it'd be cool if they did like 5 or 10 minute prequels as trailers. i hate when you see the whole movie in the preview. this would fix that straight up.

Shower Trailers said...

I too agree... Especially these days with the pressure to sell, you would expect to see more 'strategery' (taking one from Pres. W Bush) in trailer making... not just here it is, now pay me $15 dollars to fill in the cracks.