Monday, November 30, 2009

push pins

push pins that have fame hooks at the end of them so you can hang small things on them.

I saw this thing.

And I thought it would be absolutely adorable if the 'dispenser' was shaped like an am-bu-lance.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A single-serving tumblr.

For single-serving tumblrs.

Monday, November 9, 2009

idea for those mouth and nose protectors

ever since h1n2 has hit the streets people are taking a real liking to preparing for impending doom by purchasing those masks that "protect" you from the outside world. anyways, i think they should make masks that have different expressions on them. perhaps a five pack with various emotions so you can switch it up daily depending on your mood.

this idea also helps doctors when they are in surgeries and things. they could have some with smiles but also they could have words on them like "don't worry, i know what i'm doing" or "you're probably not going to die".

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Smarter Facebook

Wouldn't it make a lot more sense for facebook statuses, birthdays, etc. would reflect the time of the person they belong to? I never know if I should be saying "happy birthday" to my friends in Chile or Japan or New Zealand before or after the day actually occurs in the US. Similarly, a post at 5 in the morning my time about "being up early" from a friend in NYC is going to garner a lot of sympathy from me until I remember it was 8 am when they posted it. And then I will digitally kick them in the face.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A new toilet!

You know those trashcans with a foot-pedal that lifts the lid so you can throw your Sunny D away?

Same principle.

When a guy goes to pee, he hits the pedal to lift the toilet seat. When he's done, he steps off. This means that the guy isn't too lazy to pick up the seat, or risk touching it with his hands, and it means that the toilet seat is always down for when the *ladies* come a-knocking.

Maybe when you step off, it flushes automatically, as well.